Outcomes of Qualifications Assessment
Possible Outcomes of QA
All Report for Qualifications Assessment contains whether the totality of applicants' educational qualifications meets the standard of a particular qualification in Hong Kong. The possible outcomes in totality are as follows:
- Possible outcomes for the 'Totality' | PDF
Qualifications Assessment for the purpose of teacher registration/appointment
If the purpose of your assessment is teacher registration/appointment, we will assess your teacher training qualifications against Hong Kong's teacher training qualifications. Additional information will also be added for convenience of Education Bureau's teacher registration process. The possible outcomes in teacher training qualifications are as follows:
- Additional Information Sheet for assessment related to Teacher Registration Purposes | PDF
For process of teacher registration, please contact teacher registration team of Education Bureau.
Qualifications Assessment for the purpose of Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)
If the purpose of your assessment is for admission to Hong Kong under QMAS, we will also fax your Report for Qualifications Assessment to Hong Kong Immigration Department.