FAQ on Documents required
Graduation certificate(s) and final transcript(s) are basic documents required for all qualifications assessment. You should also submit written evidence of any transferred credit/ credit exemption by relevant institution(s). Translation documents, evidence of name change would also be required if applicable.
For applicants who need the Report for Qualifications Assessment for the purpose of teacher registration/appointment, proof of the supervised teaching practice issued by the qualification awarding body, and syllabus showing the content and course hours of each subject of pre-primary teacher training qualification(s) would also be required. For detail requirement of these proof, please see the Guidance Notes for Application.
The non-local qualification(s) and those qualification(s)/learning deemed to have a substantial bearing on the qualification(s) under assessment. For example, if you hold a sub-degree and top-up Bachelor Degree awards, the credential documents (e.g. Certificates and final Transcripts) of both awards will be relevant. Also, if you are seeking teacher registration, information on your teacher training qualification will be relevant; or if you are a Quality Migration Admission Scheme applicant, information on both your Bachelor and Master Degrees will be relevant.
Yes. All translations must comply with the following requirements:
(i) the translation must be prepared by a notary office, a law firm, the relevant granting body/bodies, or consulate, or a body/person deemed acceptable by HKCAAVQ (see examples);
(ii) the translation must be on official letterhead and bear the stamp or signature of the translator or translation service;
(iii) the translator must certify that the translation is a correct translation; and
(iv) the translation must not be prepared by the applicant, or any member of his/her family or any person interested in the outcome of the application.
HKCAAVQ does not accept translation from translation company alone.
Yes if the purpose of your qualifications assessment is teacher registration/appointment. You MUST provide teaching practice information; otherwise your educational qualification may fail to meet the teacher training qualification requirements as stipulated by the Education Bureau. Please See Point 10 of Guidance Notes for Application and ‘Samples of Teaching Practice Proof’ under ‘Help/Forms’ for the requirements of supervised teaching practice proof.
Yes if the purpose of your qualifications assessment is teacher registration/appointment, you intend to register as a pre-primary teacher and you have a non-local pre-primary teacher training qualification. Otherwise your educational qualification may fail to meet the teacher training qualification requirements as stipulated by the Education Bureau.
Proof of supervised teaching practice(s) should be issued by the granting body of the qualification with an official letterhead and stamp. “Supervised teaching practice” here refers to the required component of a teacher training programme where student teachers are supervised on-site by staff of the awarding institution while teaching in schools and other educational settings. The duration of supervised teaching practice should refer to the period(s) student teachers are actually teaching on-site; period(s) that cover work of student teachers before the start of the supervised teaching practice and any other post-practice off-site activities should not be included. Samples of supervised teaching practice proof are available here for reference.
Please note that if the required supervised teaching practice(s) was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic and staff of the granting body could not conduct the normally assigned on-site visit(s), the granting body should provide details of the interim arrangement(s)/measure(s) put in place for supervision/assessment for HKCAAVQ’s special consideration.